Historic Maine Guides & Stories

River Guides & Stories of Northern Outdoorsโ€™ Past

Northern Outdoors pioneered rafting on all three of Maineโ€™s rivers, which means thereโ€™s a LOT of history boxed up around these parts. Here are just a few of the stories and river guides that make up Northern Outdoors and Maineโ€™s rich whitewater rafting history โ€“ from our first trips on the Kennebec River, to the river guides of the 70s, 80s, 90s and beyond.

Harris Station Dam Kennebec River

Harris Station Dam: The Key To Kennebec River Rafting

Built in 1952-1954, Harris Station is the largest hydroelectric dam in the state of Maine. Harris Station is in the upper section of the Kennebec River basin, holding back the water which provides consistent whitewater all summer long for Maine adventure vacationers rafting the Kennebec River.


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