Snowmobiling to Grand Falls on the Dead River

One of Maine’s best snowmobiling destinations, Grand Falls spans nearly 100 feet across the Dead River with an imposing 40ft drop. In the heart of winter the waterfall transforms itself into a staircase of crystalline ice flows that is sure to inspire awe in even the most traveled riders. On the snowmobile trail there from Northern’s base lodge, scenic vistas include the Kennebec River, the Dead River, and the uniquely gorgeous Granny-Cap Mountain.
Not Your Typical Snow Day in the Maine Woods!

Snow Day in the Maine Woods snowmobiling video with Emily rescuing an eagle, feeding deer, and grooming snowmobile trails in the Tucker Sno-Cat.
Snowmobile Trail Grooming with the Tucker Sno-Cats

Professional snowmobile trail grooming: a night in the life! Eight hours a night, close to 120 miles of trail, meet the man behind the machine that helps maintain The Forks Area Trail Network – our snowmobile trail system here in The Forks, Maine.
Northern Outdoors does have an Iceman

Northern Outdoors does have an Iceman We knew we had an Iceman in our midst, and it was only a matter of time before the story broke outside our cozy lodge in the Forks, in the dead of Maine’s winter. Our Northern Outdoors Snowmobile Club Trailmaster is none other than Jim Yearwood, longtime Northern guide, […]