Maine Waterfall Hikes: Moxie Falls

Moxie Falls - Maine WaterfallsMoxie Falls is a must-do hike in the Forks, Maine.  One of the tallest waterfalls in New England, Moxie Falls is also one of the easiest to reach.  The trail is less than a mile long, wide and easy to follow.  There is a little bit of up and down, but nothing terribly steep and none of it very long.  The steepest part is the end, as you descend quite a few stairs to get to the viewing areas.  The short and gentle nature of this hike makes it a perfect hike for kids, and also easily accessible in the winter! If you do venture here in the winter months, bring a pair of snowshoes. Generally it’s fairly well traveled, but better be safe than sorry. If you come in the summer, bring your suit! There’s a swim spot at the top– but BE CAREFUL, of course, and stay far away from the drop!

Hikers cooling off at Moxie Falls


2 miles round trip


Easy- great for all ages. Stairs and some rocks/roots do add slight difficulties, but trail is generally flat, wide, and smooth.


If you are at Northern Outdoors already, take a right out of the parking lot to head north on route 201, heading towards the West Forks. After 5 miles, make a right onto Lake Moxie Road just before the bridge over the Kennebec River.  (This is the road that whitewater rafters take on their way to the put-in for Kennebec River rafting, so for those who have have been rafting, this will look familiar.)   Follow this road for 2.2 miles, until you spot the trailhead sign and parking area on the left. Pull in, grab your phone/camera, and enjoy!


Large parking area located on the left off the Lake Moxie Road. Can’t miss it!

Trailhead/Trail Description

The trail starts off from the center of the parking area. The beginning is flat and smooth, eventually winding through some boggy spots where stepping stumps have been placed to help keep you dry.

Farther along, hikers reach a four-way intersection. The main trail goes straight through and descends toward the falls. As you continue, you will reach wooden steps and walkways that wind along next to the stream. The falls will be heard before they are seen. At the head of the falls, there’s a boardwalk off to the left that leads to two viewing platform.

Moxie Falls in Winter and Fall
Moxie Falls is stunning winter, spring, summer and fall!

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